by Jonathan | Dec 17, 2024 | Tech
The official flywheel documentation on how to configure SSL when using Cloudflare does not work in results and redirect loops. Here is how to actually set it up. 1. Force HTTPs to be on for the Flywheel site under the advanced tab: 2. Configure Cloudflare SSL to...
by Jonathan | Nov 6, 2024 | Tech
Parallels for macOS lets you create macOS virtual machines out of the box with the most current version of macOS, but not previous ones. Fortunately, you can install a previous version of macOS if you are willing to use Parallels from the CLI. First, you will need to...
by Jonathan | Aug 19, 2024 | Tech
WSJ out with an article where the author finds that — surprise! — EVs are useful today even without as many charging stations as there are gas stations: The surprise was that—for seven days of errands, pickups, and even a lengthy road trip—being limited to...
by Jonathan | Jun 4, 2024 | Tech
Today’s Bing Inspiration Feed features Bill Gates. It’s just another example Bing Image’s random issues. Bill is a lot of things, but visually inspiring is not one of them.
by Jonathan | Dec 1, 2023 | Skip Front Page, Tech
These are notes for Keap webhooks as of 2023-12-05. You can retrieve them via the KEAP REST API v1, but they are not documented anywhere else. [ “appointment.add”, “appointment.delete”, “appointment.edit”, “company.add”,...
by Jonathan | Nov 2, 2023 | Tech
I use used Digital Ocean’s App Platform for a docker run application. I also use celery for asynchronous processing and cronjobs inside of this application. For months it worked without issue, and then one day my logs started filling up things like Errno 38...