Flywheel + Cloudflare, SSL Settings

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The official flywheel documentation on how to configure SSL when using Cloudflare does not work in results and redirect loops.

Here is how to actually set it up.

1. Force HTTPs to be on for the Flywheel site under the advanced tab:

Force HTTPS setting is enabled, redirecting all site requests over HTTPS.

2. Configure Cloudflare SSL to “Full” mode:

Cloudflare SSL/TLS configuration page showing an overview of encryption settings. Current encryption mode is set to "Full." An option to configure settings is highlighted with a blue "Configure" button. The page includes navigation options for SSL/TLS, security, and other settings.

Cloudflare encryption mode configuration page. The "Full" SSL/TLS option is selected, which enables end-to-end encryption when the origin server supports SSL certification but does not use a valid, publicly trusted certificate. Other options include "Strict," "Flexible," and "Off." The sidebar menu highlights the "Overview" section under SSL/TLS settings.

3. Under “Edge Certificates” enable “Always Use HTTPS”

Cloudflare dashboard showing the "Always Use HTTPS" option enabled, which redirects all HTTP requests to HTTPS. The "HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)" option is available to enforce web security policy. The "Edge Certificates" section is highlighted in the navigation menu.


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