US Hypersonic Missiles Primer

US Hypersonic Missiles Primer

WSJ has a story on why the US doesn’t have any. The really short version seems to be the long R&D breaks we took during the Vietnam War and the War On Terror. An irony lost on the authors: actual, poorly planned wars, decreased our capability for future wars....
WSJ: Don’t Try So Hard at Work

WSJ: Don’t Try So Hard at Work

Today’s stupid WSJ headline: Try Hard, but Not That Hard. 85% Is the Magic Number for Productivity. The premise? If you overwork yourself you lead to burnout and the magic number (can you have a magic number for “how hard” you work?) is 85%....

Health Insurance Up 6%+ in 2024

WSJ reports that health insurance costs are expected to rise 6%+ for 2024. My personal premiums + deductibles line up so insurance doesn’t cover anything significantly until I’ve spent $22,000 – $30,000 in combined health care and premium costs. And that assumes...