Tears of the BFC DNF

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This post was too good not to share. The Barkley Fall Classic (BFC) is a 30+ mile race held in Frozen Head State Park annually, a slightly gentler version of the Barkley Marathons. But it is still largely off-trail, thru briars without GPS. Not made for comfort, but also incredibly popular.

On a Facebook group dedicated to the BFC Jerry left this comment:

So the story is this. When I was walking up to the fire tower (aka Far Tar) from Tub Springs one of the utility workers was there in his truck. I asked him what was going on and he said they are maintaining the lines so they made those cuts so they can drive vehicles down all the way to the prison. He said they once did that all by hand. I asked if he was familiar with the races that take place in the park and he said “yep…those briars will grow back twice as thick by the time fall comes so no one needs to worry”. I said “thats good, hey how often do you get snow like this here?” He said “that’s not snow. That’s the frozen tears of everyone who’s ever DNF’d the BFC”. True story.

By ChatGPT


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