The WSJ is out with an article on Feb 17, 2025, that a focus group they are tracking already has some Trump voters showing regret.
One voter:
“Now I’m like: ‘Dang, why didn’t I just pick Kamala?’”
And another:
Anderson, who works with disabled adults, said Kennedy’s government role is the only bright spot for a vote she categorizes as the “biggest mistake of my life.”
Of course, this will never be most Trump voters and I don’t want you to go away thinking I believe otherwise. Somewhere around 30% of Americans are all-in on Trump and will be for the foreseeable future.
Really, what is interesting is how fast this happened. There will always people that change their minds later, but we haven’t yet made it a month in.
Reading through the article another theme is coming up: people didn’t believe that Turmp will do everything he said he’d so on the campaign trail. I found this out recently in Florida as well, as I questioned my Uber drivers — all from out of the country — what they thought of Trump and his immigration policies. To a person, they didn’t think the policies would affect them because they were not illegals. Completely ignoring the anti-immigration rhetoric against Latin and South America from the last year, which was not only about illegal immigration. (Haitians eating pets, did we already forget that?)
And of course, it took 9 days to start turning out 600,000 Venuzualans.
It will be interesting to see, (1) how much more happens that people didn’t expect to actually happen, that was promised, and (2) how wide the regret will run. I’m guessing 2%-5% of Trump voters in the next year or so.
But we’ll see.