WSJ: The Case for Trumpless Thursdays

Short Takes | 0 comments

I love it.

Dur­ing the ra­tioning days of World War II, there was the weekly event called Meat­less Tues­day. To save meat for the troops, civil­ians were asked to cut it from their di­ets one day each week… It was con­sid­ered an act of pa­tri­o-tism. Every­one, as far as I knew, went along with it.

…I won­der if the coun­try wouldn’t do well to de­clare Trum­p­less Thurs-day. This would en­tail an agree-ment on the part of all me­dia—tele­vi­sion, ra­dio and print—not to run any items about Don­ald Trump, show his face on screen or in pho­tographs on Thurs­day of every week. The coun­try would be given a weekly 24-hour rest from Trump talk.

I wish I could post the whole thing. 2 mins to read tops.


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