TikTok Deep in the Red

TikTok Deep in the Red

The Information reports that TikTok loses money, a lot of money: ByteDance investors estimate TikTok lost several billion dollars last year on revenue of roughly $20 billion.
Do We Want An Armed Europe?

Do We Want An Armed Europe?

Aaron MacLean in the WSJ with an op-ed reminding us what an armed Europe looked like in the 20th century. (And while he focuses on the 20th century the arguments would hole true for most of the previous 20 centuries) He asks: Do we want European states to rearm, to...
SaaS Alerts to Software Companies: Give Us More Data

SaaS Alerts to Software Companies: Give Us More Data

SaaS applications have become the most dangerous and widespread threat vector for businesses of all sizes. A key issue in keeping them secure is that many software companies DO NOT include security log data in their APIs, which inhibits user behavior monitoring inside...
Report: no reason to fire Sam Altman

Report: no reason to fire Sam Altman

Ars Technica After reportedly interviewing dozens of people and reviewing over 30,000 documents, [the legal firm hired to investigate Altman’s firing] found that while the prior board acted within its purview, Altman’s termination was unwarranted....
Lead Gas Lowered Americans’ IQ

Lead Gas Lowered Americans’ IQ

I wish NBC News had linked to the study-and that I had time to read it even if had. It sounds interesting, and at the same time, incredible that they are able to make such an estimate. Story The peer-reviewed study, published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the...