Jordan Peterson is a Canadian Existentialist

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian Existentialist

Jordan Peterson speaking at an event in Dallas, Texas in 2018. By Gage Skidmore. Jordan Peterson is a Canadian Existentialist. Or at least that’s what I got out of hearing him speak for an hour at Robin Robin’s (aka Technology Marketing Toolkit) Boot Camp. First, let...
Maybe I’m Not an Imposter

Maybe I’m Not an Imposter

Imposter syndrome is something I struggle with All. The. Time. It hit me Monday, what did I actually do? So I made a list: Business planning Consulting for a new software company in the channel Finished a custom conference table Fixed an automatic paper folder Printed...
Polsko, dlaczego tu jesteś?

Polsko, dlaczego tu jesteś?

I really don’t understand all my Polish visitors. The top referring source looks like a hacked site. If you have any insights for me drop a comment or find me on social media to let me know. It’s also possible I get a different website from a North American IP than I...
Fusion Isn’t There

Fusion Isn’t There

We’re not anywhere near that close. The reports of fusion putting out more power than it draws in is a selective of the facts. As Wired explains: …researchers said they got as much energy out as their laser fired at the experiment—a massive, long-awaited achievement....