Kaseya’s Powered Services Pro 2.0

None of this is confidential to the best of my knowledge. The webinar is recorded and I expect all of this to make its way into documentation and public marketing materials if it hasn’t already. Quotes are best effort, I’m typing them up as they go, so they may not be exact. Some quotes have been cleaned up for grammar and spelling. Finally, the post may not be chronological, I order things so that it fits into understandable narrative.

AMP Overview


This is CRM-lite. It’s like a stripped down CRM with Mailchimp-type email features built in. It lets PSP customers take PSP content and get it out fast, and effortlessly. It’s for the 80%+ of MSPs that don’t have a mature marketing program or a mature CRM. Or don’t have the time/skill to set it up and use it.

THAT SAID, I can see MSPs use this in conjunction with another CRM, as long as you can synchronize lists. We use PSP content today, and the content is good, the time-consuming part is loading it into Buffer, WordPress, and our mass-email tool.

Marketing Blueprint Overview

Think of this as a training track with PSP-certifications. It isn’t new public-facing content or a new product. Like other recent Kaseya product announcements, it really looks like it is targeted at making MSPs better, not something else to sell or buy. Weird, right?

Is this like Robin Robins / Technology Marketing Toolkit?

This question is half-real and half-trolling. It’s half-real because PSP borrows language from RR/TMT, if you looked at the PSP marketing materials you might think it is RR/TMT re-packaged. It’s half-trolling because, it’s widely believed that Kaseya purchased RR/TMT awhile ago.

But to answer the question, no, this is not RR/TMT nor is it like it nor is it meant to be a comparable system. The RR/TMT content does not have nearly the amount of social media content, thought leadership content, or category specific campaigns that PSP does. RR/TMT is focused on multi-channel educational marketing (direct mail, cold calls, social media, SEO, website, PPC). The peer-groups and events are next-level compared to other channel competitors.

The PSP material is very much in a thought-leadership and professional tone. RR/TMT content is unabashedly get-people-to-convert. PSP has a lot of prescriptive marketing material, RR/TMT has that plus a lot of descriptive content. RR/TMT also has years and years worth of training1, PSP does not. I could go on, but this post isn’t about PSP vs RR/TMT. They aren’t the same.

That chat was highly engaged and very positive.

Dan on LinkedIn. Will, who needs a profile pic. I couldn’t find Kelli.

Why did PSP start? To fast track MSP success. While PSP will have product-centric marketing collateral, the overall goal is to provide marketing materials that support MSPs more broadly.

Dan: “We give a lot of content,” I’ll vouch for that. There is a lot of available content categories.

The New Marketing Blueprint

If you think this sounds like something from Robin Robins, you are 100% correct. Is it the same? No, see the overview.

PSP has 10 steps for us to take, a nice marketing path in and of itself.

There Are Three Levels

Pro: Starter level, just getting into marketing. This is the PSP focus right now.

Expert: intermediate, “much deeper dive into marketing”

Master: level 3, really diving in.

BUT, this isn’t extra. It’s all part of the existing subscription. “We’re not going to come after you for additional money.”

PSP folks, should you read this, find better verbiage so it doesn’t sound like you split PSP up into 3-subscription tiers.

The [level] certifications are for the participants learning and extending your understanding and knowledge so you can grow your business.

If this looks like Storybrand, again, you’d be right. It is missing step 5, “Repeat”

So, what are these marketing levels?

Dan: “These are marketing levels, we want to teach you marketing and MSP. 101, what marketing is, how to leverage [different channels]… Understand your SWOT, your strategy, your brand is in place.

“[Then] take it to the next level… enhance it and make it better… then to the master level, your business is humming along, everything looks good and now we’re gonna make it better… that way everyone can see success…

“This industry is every changing… we’re seeing more digital transformation than we have ever before… the blueprint is going to evolve… As X [fka Twitter] changes to a subscription model we’ll update PSP [to work with the new X model]”

“And we get badges! Why? Dan says that this is for the marketing people. The tech people in MSPs can get certs everywhere, the marketing people are left out. They don’t have a way to show that they understand the MSP world. “It’s badge to recognize those people.”

So Dan is saying a lot of great things, but 25 minutes in I still have no idea how PSP is changing.


AMP: Automated Marketing Platform

If you ever used the Datto enablement portal, where you could send emails, etc., from inside their portal, it’s like that, but looks a lot nicer.

Not available until the end of the month! (Target, not a promise).

“We’ve heard from so many people, you guys have all this awesome content but I can never get it out to all of my customers and prospects… a lot of [MSPs] don’t have a full-fledged CRM.”

BMS will be coming after Autotask. Interesting choice to start with AT instead. I’d guess that AT has both a better API and a larger client base. What does “Coming Soon” mean in regards to AT? “An integration with Autotask is on the roadmap and in development.”

Sample Dashboard with Goals

The screenshot clearly shows that this isn’t a version of KEAP/MAP (Robin Robin’s Robinized version of Keap/Infusionsoft)

Same Audience Screen

That is a nice UI. I’m a Keap user, and have worked with Zoho and Zomentum in the past. I highly doubt that this is as capable as Keap, but the metrics sure are more clearly presented.

You can send emails from the UI, and easily launch landing pages (well, hard to say the latter without a demo). I missed the screenshot that shows how you can choose the list to send the email to.


As a new MSP, I feel these campaigns are really geared towards more MSPs that are established. Will there ever be campaigns that can be geared towards new ones?

You don’t want to market yourself as a new MSP. The thought-leadership pieces are the right places to put out.

What is Social Pilot?

I am going to take this personally: it’s like Buffer, but included in PSP. We still use Buffer, but we have a fairly specific use-case for it. I’d probably go with Social Pilot if I could.

Will AMP interface with Keap? Connectwise? Hubspot?

It doesn’t now.

Is logic available for email campaigns?

Not now, but “it’s coming, we know it’s got to be here.” My $0.02, if you already know how to utilize this type of logic AMP isn’t for you. Go work with a more mature CRM. AMP doesn’t seem to made as such.

Dan: “We built AMP for people that were using Maiilchimp, ConstantContact, their PSA.” The implication is what I said: if you’re using Hubspot (and like it) then AMP isn’t for you. Will echos this thought a few minutes later.

Can AMP send custom emails?


  1. PSP has plenty of sales-related content from TruMethods but nowhere near the amount of marketing content. ↩︎

Hamas Attacks Music Festival

BBC with a pretty horrific article on a targeted Israeli-music festival that Hamas attacked. About 250 dead, people shot at point blank, gunmen waiting at emergency exits, looking to shoot those that ran.

Hamas will argue that all Israelis are non-civilians and therefore lawful (or moral) targets.

That is the kind of moral twisting it will take to justify targeting, ambushing, civilians as part of a violent political cause.

Datto Backup Notes

This week we had several appliances show as down, however, it ended up being how Datto reports in, and their own DNS issues. To quote from support:

For all agents on all of the devices, they are configured to take multiple backups daily. The off-site sync is scheduled to run as “every day” which really means ‘after the last backup of the day completes’. By sheer luck I was looking at these devices right at 6:00 pm and watched their 6:00 backup run which happened to be their last backup of the day. Offsite sync immediately started right after the backup completed…

Long story short, all is good here. It’s just that we had not hit the point in the day yet when the devices sync to the cloud.

One side note, device XXXXXXXXXXX is reporting all outbound connectivity as failed. However, the public DNS in the DNS override is set to This is fine, it works just the same except that there is a known issue on our side where it does not report correctly. If you were to switch that to it would report all successful. However, that is your call if you want to change that or leave it as is. Local backups and off-site sync will all still function correctly.

tldr: Don’t use for DNS and don’t expect accurate reporting until some time after the final scheduled backup for the day completed.

Two Lessons from Amazon

Amazon is now advertising on their boxes that they are “made with less material.” They actually have taken it a step further in some areas, doing away with the boxes completely. What can we learn from this?

First, the Amazon is not straightforward, to say the least. Their page goes over all of the environmental benefits (important for point two) but fails to mention their skyrocketing fulfillment costs.

Amazon’s success means incurring massive shipping costs. Their shipping costs are as much as the annual GDP of Tanzania (which itself is 75th in the world).

Clearly, Amazon can make more money — billions — by saving on packaging.

Lesson two: going green can be good for business. It isn’t always a cost-saver and I won’t pretend that it is, but reducing waste is an easy win for companies and the environment. Amazon’s website says that they’ve reduced per-shipment packaging by 41% since 2015. If if this was only a moderate cost savings, say, 10%, that would be $32,000,000,000 since 2015.

Let’s play devil’s advocate and hypothesize for a minute that Amazon was trying to do this out of the good of their heart for years and had to spend billions on R&D to make it happen. What do you think the ROI would be? Spending $10bn on waste reduction would still be a 3x ROI.

Investors would do well to consider that environmental and businesses wins can align.

McCarthy’s Weakness

Edit: Sep 30 2023 Update

McCarthy made a shocking decision today, governing over keeping the gavel:

But McCarthy shocked his party — and most on the Hill — by deciding to put a “clean” bill on the floor that could be enough to doom his speakership. The short-term funding patch that passed includes none of the GOP’s spending cuts or border policies. The only addition: $16 billion for disaster aid sought by the White House.

[It] passed the 45-day stopgap funding patch, 335-91, with help from more than 200 Democrats and 90 Republicans voting no. It’s an unexpected move that is certain to accelerate a far-right rebellion aimed at taking his gavel.

This increases his odds of keeping the speakership: an attempt to strip him of it was certain, with this bill he may peel off enough Democrats to keep him in the seat.


Kevin McCarthy’s major weakness isn’t that he can’t quite find a political fit for who he is, nor is it the sense that he keeps track of which way the winds blow.

His problem is that he likes and wants his job, and everyone knows it.

Speakership under a Republican Party is a special place in hell. There isn’t anybody that’s particularly happy with any decision you make, ever, and a plurality of your peers don’t care to help you keep the gavel.

A speaker needs every vote to remain speaker, he or she can lose precious few. This allows any small band of party members to make life impossible for whatever reason. They don’t like the politics of a deal, they don’t like you, it’s Tuesday.

But this trick only works when you have something to lose. This was Paul Ryan’s strength: he genuinely didn’t seem like he ever wanted the job. He trounced his opponents in every primary and general election from 1998 forward. Want to take the gavel away? Have at it. Who wants the job anyway (answer even at the time: Kevin McCarthy).

And so Ryan’s indifference or perhaps antipathy towards the speakership insured that he kept it.

McCarthy has the exact opposite problem. His love for the gavel ensures its loss.

For whoever wants to keepeth their job, must foresake it.

A contrarian might say that Pelosi proves me wrong. I disagree, Pelosi is fortune enough to have Trump as a foil, the most unifying figure in Democratic Party history.

We basically run a coalition government without the efficiency of a parliamentary system.

Paul Ryan

It’s the case for both parties — but one of the coalitions is willing to stick together, at least until the opposition is truly failing.