WSJ: The Case for Trumpless Thursdays

I love it. Dur­ing the ra­tioning days of World War II, there was the weekly event called Meat­less Tues­day. To save meat for the troops, civil­ians were asked to cut it from their di­ets one day each week… It was con­sid­ered an act of pa­tri­o-tism....

Taveras Flips

A key witness charged in Trump’s classified documents case “retracted his prior false testimony” after hiring a new lawyer — and ditching the one paid for by a Trump PAC, Axios’ Sareen Habeshian writes from a new Justice Department filing So...

Let me help: No

Unless Trump is in jail. Then maybe, but still not likely. More people believe Trump than they believe their pastor: A post for another day, but maybe those two things are related…