by Jonathan | Dec 4, 2023 | Short Takes
Trump is calling for the federal government to crack down on MSNBC for… political reporting that he doesn’t like. This is a call to authoritarianism and an outright attack on the first amendment. We learned from 2016-2020 that his rhetoric is more than...
by Jonathan | Nov 19, 2023 | Politics
For the rest of this year and probably into the beginning of next we will have to endure an endless string of headlines that cover the latest threat to Trump winning the Republican nomination and editorials about why President Biden ought not to run again. Trump is...
by Jonathan | Sep 28, 2023 | Short Takes
I didn’t need a headline to tell me that.
by Jonathan | Sep 12, 2023 | Short Takes
What do you think he calls aviation accidents?
by Jonathan | Aug 31, 2023 | Short Takes
I love it. During the rationing days of World War II, there was the weekly event called Meatless Tuesday. To save meat for the troops, civilians were asked to cut it from their diets one day each week… It was considered an act of patrio-tism....