Best Headline You’ll See Today

Best Headline You’ll See Today

Politico. Re Menendez. “It appears to be the first time a sitting member of Congress has ever been criminally charged with working as an agent of a foreign power.” And yes, it’s illegal.
Lightroom Lens Blur

Lightroom Lens Blur

I just installed the Lightroom beta with early access to the lens blur — and its unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I’ve played with a couple of these before, it actually works. Now, this is too soon for a full scale review, these are just a couple of...

What is the Huntress M365 MDR?

It is a SOC. My posts on this are still my most viewed so I want to clarify: it’s definitely a SOC. RocketCyber is a competitor, SaaS Alerts is not. Huntress was clever and called it an MDR, presumably because — whatever it would mean — an MDR for...