NPR: flame retardants found in breast milk

To quote extensively: In the early 2000s, researchers … found high levels of toxic compounds used as a common flame retardant in household items. The compounds… were gradually phased out… This summer, scientists detected a new set of similar flame retardants in the...

Not so much

WSJ and others suggest that Prigozhin’s death. I don’t think so. It was never clear why he was still alive by the end of June. Even dead, the fissures he created in the military and his demonstration that Putin is not invincible live on. I don’t know that a less...

Wagner’s Prigozhin Dead?

That’s the story, as of ~10 minutes ago. On the manifest of a plane that went down north of Moscow. This is one day after a video of him in Africa (probably) was released. In related news, the Russian general in charge of Ukrainian forces was sacked. The timing...

Taveras Flips

A key witness charged in Trump’s classified documents case “retracted his prior false testimony” after hiring a new lawyer — and ditching the one paid for by a Trump PAC, Axios’ Sareen Habeshian writes from a new Justice Department filing So...

Let me help: No

Unless Trump is in jail. Then maybe, but still not likely. More people believe Trump than they believe their pastor: A post for another day, but maybe those two things are related…